Thursday, March 13, 2014

Grizzly Bear Facts and Information

Bear may be a common word for almost every one of you but what is about Grizzly Bear? What kind of bear is this Grizzly Bear? The answers of all your questions are here in this post so follow it and get information about this species of bear. This bear belongs to Ursidae family and Carnivora order like all other bears in the world. This bear is a subspecies of Brown bear, the bear we all usually know about.

Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear
 As this bear is predominantly found in North America so specialists call this bear as North American Brown Bear. But when it comes to the appearance of this bear you will find it quite similar with the common brown bear. According to a report on this bear it is found that an inland male grizzly bear can weigh around 270 kg whereas a coastal male can weigh about 408 kg. In case of female inland bear can weigh 136 kg and a coastal bear can weigh 227 kg. The huge grizzly bear found till date was of 680 kg. 

Basic Information about Grizzly Bear:

Grizzly Bear
Average Length
6.5 ft
220 kg to 410 kg
North America (Canada and Alaska to Mexico)
Life Span
25 to 35 years

As we all know brown bears are predominant in some areas like Europe, Asia and North America but which is the place of Grizzly bears dominance? Well, it is North America as I have mentioned above. Some studies have proved that the ancestors of Grizzly bears were from Eurasia but they migrated to North America around 50,000 years ago. Alaska to Mexico are the dominant place of Grizzly bears.

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly bears are one of the most long living animals and the females live longer in comparison to the male grizzly bears. If a female grizzly bear lives for 26 years, therefore a male grizzly bear lives for 22 years. The oldest grizzly bear was found in Alaska which was of around 34 years old. If kept secured grizzly bears can live as long as 44 years. 

As these bears belong to carnivorous order, their digestive system is similar to other carnivorous animals. But despite of that these bears consume both plants and animals as their diet. Isn’t it amazing? An animal having digestive system of carnivorous animal can digest the diet of omnivorous animal also. Fishes like trout, bass and salmon are the major diet of these bears. The grizzly bears residing in Canada and Alaska are found larger than that of grizzly bears residing in America.

Facts about Grizzly Bears:

Grizzly Bear is the subspecies of Brown Bear.

They are very intelligent and have a very sharp memory.

Grizzly bear hunting

 They can eat 40 kg of meat in a day.

Gestation period for Grizzly Bear is 190 to 250 days.

Female Grizzly Bear produce 2 cubs in a litter and care for the cubs up to 2 years.
Female Grizzly Bear with her Cubs
Female Grizzly Bear with her Cubs
Largest Grizzly Bear was found with the weight of 680 kg.

Adult Grizzly Bear can reach a speed of 65 km/hr.

So, this was all about this sub species of bear. I can bet most of you were not aware of this species of bears. Hope you have collected the most amazing information regarding this bear of North American region. Keep searching about different wild animals and you will definitely get information like you get about Grizzly bear whose name was not familiar to you.

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