Monday, August 25, 2014

Honey badger vs Lion fight and facts

Honey badger vs Lion fight - Who going to win it? I have seen a video in which Honey badger is surrounded by 5 lions and still badger manages to survive. So, it would be interesting to know Honey badger vs lion fight, comparison, difference and other facts.

Honey badger facts

Honey badger is scientifically known as Mellivoracapensis belongs to Animalia kingdom, Phylum Chordata and class mammalian. The honey badger is known to have listed as the most fearless creature in the world in the Guinness book of world records.

They have thick rubbery skin which is about a quarter of an inch thick. The skin is so tough that it is impervious to traditionally made arrows and spears. The thick skin is loose so when caught by prey and get its teeth and claws in position to attack the face. Honey badger is tireless, it keeps on fighting for hours and hours until the predator gets tired or it dies.

Honey badger has powerful teeth and jaws and claws and is immune to poison.  They are very smart and emit a strong odour that is used as a form of defence against large predators like lions. Honey badgers are good swimmers and can climb trees. They are native to areas of Africa and Asia.

Honey badgers can growl, grunt, hiss, squeak and whine.  The female honey badgers are left alone to give birth and raise her young ones. After a gestation period rarely one or two babies are born. Baby honey badgers reach adult size at 6 months.

Lion facts

Lion, renowned for its majesty and nicknamed as “the king of the jungle”. Lion is the second largest cat after the tiger. Lion is one of the four big cats in the genus panthera.

Lions live for 10 to 14 years, while in captivity they can live longer than 20 years.  Lions live a nomadic lifestyle in groups called prides.

They have golden yellow fur and the adult male lions have manes that range in color from blond to reddish black, Male lions grow up to 10 feet in length, and usually weighs up to 550 pounds which is equivalent to 250 kilograms, Whereas, female lions are smaller in comparison to male ones.

They grow up to 9 feet in length and weighs up to 395 pounds or 180 kg.  Female lions mate about every two years, giving birth to one to six cubs after three and half month’s gestation period. Lions are found primarily in Africa. A lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles away.

Lions usually hunt in harmonized groups and chase their chosen prey. They are known for their stamina. Lions also attack domestic livestock and are capable of killing other predators such as leopards, cheetah, etc.

Compare Honey badger vs Lion

The comparison between Honey badger vs Lion are given below. 

Honey badger vs Lion fight

Moreover, it is also mention that who going to win the fight- Honey badger or Lion.

Wild animals
Honey badger
Average Length
55-77 cm
170-250 cm
Average Tail
12-30 cm
90-105 cm
Average Height
23-27 cm
100-105 cm
Sub-saharan Africa, Indian peninsula, western cape
Gir national park, Pendjari national park, , kruger national park etc
Elf-dug holes
Shade, Dry scrub forest
Powerful jaws, irregular development
Powerful sharp teeth
9-16 Kg
250 Kg
Average Life Span
24 years
10-15 years

 Who is going to win the fight- Lion, Tiger, hyaenasetc are well known to attack Honey badgers. These attempts are only sometime useful but very often they are not. They keep on fighting until the attacker tires. Honey badgers are most fearless animal in the world. They have incredibly powerful jaws, which enables them to eat a turtle without difficulty.

They are naturally not affected by the stings and venoms. Snakes are unlikely to survive long enough in a battle with honey badger. This small creature is also incredibly intelligent and has been observed using tools to catch prey.

Honey badgers emit a strong odour which is a form of defense against predators like Lions. Since three foot long creatures usually don’t last long in environments featuring Lions, Leopards, etc. But it’s been proved wrong in case of honey badger.

This creature has been documented as killing male lions by running underneath them and tearing off their scrotums. It is a brutal vicious killer who never backs down, never fears, destroys everything in its path. Honey badger is a creature, consisting of massive skull, strong teeth. And that awful odour with which nobody wants to mess with.

In the end watch this Youtube video to understand Honey badgers attitude towards big cat Lion. In Honey badger Vs Lion fight, the winner is Honey badger.

I hope you like reading article on Honey badger vs Lion fight.

Honey Badger Animal facts
Lion Facts and Information
Honey Badger vs Wolverine fight

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