Thursday, August 21, 2014

Kodiak bear vs polar bear fight- who will win?

Know fight between Kodiak bear vs polar bear, who going to win the fight. Also know detailed comparison and difference between Polar bear vs Kodiak bear. I am going to compare both bears below.

Kodiak bear facts

Starting with Kodiak bear facts, Kodiak bear are also known as brown bear and most people call them Alaskan bear because they are found in Alaska. It is largest sub-species of brown bear. The two largest bears of bear family are Kodiak bear vs Polar bear.

Kodiak bears are unique sub-species; it has hair color range from blonde to dark brown. It looks like a close relative of grizzly bear.  They are carnivores. Many people are curious for Grizzly bear vs Kodiak bear fight but very few internet sources mention about them.

Now, come to Kodiak bear measurement, it has weight between 480-533 kg. Males are more in weight in comparison to females. Kodiak length measures 244 cm, height measures 133 cm tall. When stands, it would 1.5 m in height, when Kodiak stands on its legs, it looks very dangerous and large. The largest bear noted was of 1090 kg. The measurement of Kodiak bear started from its skull. The Kodiak skull is of 63.8 cm.

They are solitary in nature. They are active during the day and hunt for their food in day time Kodiak bear diet includes salmon, deer, goats, berries and invertebrates.

Polar bear facts

Polar bears are carnivorous bears and found in arctic region ( which is surrounded with seas and land masses). The size is almost same as Kodiak bear. They used to hunt on seals. They have large fur feet and  sharp claws. The claws help them to walk easily on the ice.

The average weight of polar bear is 350-700 kg. They used to live in cold temperature and hunt on seals and remains of sea animals. They are born on land and used to spend most of their time at sea and that’s why some people call them maritime bear. They are vulnerable species because of habitat loss and hunting activities associated with arctic region.

Polar bear are often found in countries like Norway, United States, Denmark, Canada and Russsia. They measures 7-10 ft in length, 122-160 cm in height, when it stands on its legs, it attains height of 11 ft. Polar bear tail is 7-13 cm in length. The skull is elongated and longer, the noise is also longer. Legs are stocky, tail are small.

The teeth are smaller and more jaggad than brown bears. It can smell upto 1.6 km and easily find the seals in ice( 1-3 ft), the vision and hearing ability is same as that of humans. The life span of polar bears is beyond 25 years.

Compare Kodiak bear vs Polar bear

Kodiak bear vs Polar bear fight

The detailed comparison and difference between Kodiak bear vs Polar bear are given below-

Kodiak bear
Polar Bear
Average Length
244 cm
7 ft 10 inch- 9 ft to 10 inch
Average Tail
5-6 cm
7-13 cm
Average Height
133 cm
133 cm
Arctic, Newfoundland island, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Russia, United states
subpolar climate, cool temperatures, overcast, fog, windy conditions, moderate areas
Arctic circle, sub, arctic, humid continental
Powerful teeth and jaws
Canines are larger, sharper and more jagged
480-533 kg
350-700 kg
Average Life Span
Beyond 25 years
Beyond 25 years

Who will win the fight-  Polar bear would win the fight- No doubt Kodiak bear is more aggressive but polar bear know how to kill larger preys and its strong claws and long arms and neck would do the rest. Polar bears are more specialized to kill larger preys. I hope you like polar bear vs Kodiak bear fight.


  1. no way polar bear can kill dangerous kodiak bear. kodiak are the largest brown bear and along side with polar they are the largest bear in the world. like grizzly bears, kodiak bear are laso very aggressive and skillful and if grizzly can give the competition to polar bear easily then why not kodiak who is much larger than grizzly. i think in this fight kodiak bear will win the fight against polar bear.

  2. agree with the above post kodiak bears are stronger ones
