Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Black mamba snake hidden facts

Know about Black Mamba snake hidden facts, When we are talking about world’s deadliest snakes, Black Mamba is the snake names which usually strike our mind. In a survey report on world’s deadliest snake Black mamba comes on 5 positions. There might be many people who want to know the characteristics of this snake. So, here I am with the hidden facts of Black mamba. But before I proceed towards the unknown facts lets know some common characteristics of Black Mamba.

Black Mamba facts

Black Mamba comes under a snack family named Elapidae. Every animal has a scientific name so as Black Mamba and that is Dendroaspis polylepis. Many people though that the name Black mamba is based on the color of the snake but originally the name is based on the Black mouth of the Snake. 

Many of you have a misconception that King Cobra have the most deadly venom but Black Mamba is the snack that comes before King cobra in terms of deadly Venom. Despite of being a quiet and silent snake Black Mamba holds the record of having fast movement and various attacking moves. The most amazing thing in this snake is that during the time of attack it stands up from its front part to such height which no other snake can do.

Now, let’s know something about the Habitat and Existence place of Black Mamba.

When it comes to existence these snakes are found in eastern and western zone of Africa. 

Apart from that this snake is found in countries like Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Malawi Termite moulds and hollow wooden logs are considered as the best residing place for Black Mamba’s. 

They prefer living in a place that is relatively cooler. Black Mamba’s comes under Diurnal species. These species hunts in day and rests at night. It would be important to compare Black Mamba vs King cobra because facts are incomplete without comparison. 

This is the snake which holds the record of fastest movement and that is about15-20 km per hour. As I have mentioned before in this post Black mamba can lift 2/5 of its body part. When we are discussing about attack of Black mamba then it will be unfair if I don’t mention what kind of animals they hunt. 

Black mambas mostly choose warm blooded animals and sometimes relatively greater sized animals to attack. Digestive system of these species of snake is a mentionable fact because the food Black Mamba’s take got digest within 8-10 hours of intake.  

Let’s know some other facts about Black mamba:

As we all know a snake relies on their eye and tongue. The sense of vibration is the most factors in them; Black Mamba is no exception to that. They hunt on the basis of vibration coming from the direction. Despite of having fabulous sense of vibration these snakes are unable to listen to sound clearly. This snake has only one breeding season in a year and lays egg like any other snake.

In one breeding season Black Mamba lays 15 to 20 eggs and this breeding season usually occurs on September of every year. Just after 60 days of copulation this snake lays egg. And then to hatch the egg it takes another 60 days.

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