Monday, June 9, 2014

Cute and Funny Polar bear facts

Polar bear is one of the cutest animals in this world and is a relative species of brown bear. This white colored bear belongs to Carnivora order and mammalian class. We study about few animals from our childhood and polar bears are one of them. But do you know everything about polar bears? So, here you can go with cute and funny Polar bear facts.

I guess very few of you know the exact and as much information as provided in this post. From various magazines, journals and blogs I have collected each and every small details about polar bear for you all. Check below information to know about Cute and Funny Polar bear facts.

Polar bear lives in the Arctic Ocean.

Polar bears were the mascot for the 1998 Winter Olympics of Calgary, Canada.

As we humans have 32 teeth, similarly polar bears have 42 teeth.

Polar bears usually spend their time at sea. Around 75 % of their life span they spend at the sea.

Cute Polar Bear facts
 According to an estimation of scientists it is said that there are around 20000 polar bears in our planet.

‘Ursus maritimus’ is the scientific name of polar bears.

The highest recorded weight of a polar bear is 680 kg or 1500 lb. This is only for male polar bears.

Do you know the most amazing fact about polar bear? It is nothing rather polar bears have black fur and the white fur is just the outer layer.

Polar bears are largest meat eaters living in land.

Polar bears mostly prefer Seals for their diet.

Female polar bears weigh just the half of a male polar bears weight.

The 10 cm thick blubber under the skin of Polar bear helps them to keep them warm in arctic. 

According to some scientists Polar bears are as smart as apes. Their techniques to hunt seals are the sign of their smartness.

Polar bears use sea ice to hunt seals for their food.

Polar bears have an ability to detect seals from a distance of 1.6 k.m. This indicates their excellent sense of smell.

The highest speed polar bears can reach is 40km/hr when they are on land. While in water it is 10 km/hr.

The shape and structure of polar bears paws are perfect for roaming in Arctic Ocean.

The paws of polar bears measure about 31 centimetres.

While they swim in water these paws of polar bears act as paddles.

These were all the major and minor facts about world’s cutest creature popularly known as Polar bear. Hope all of you out there are satisfied with the information provided in this post.

All of you must have read about polar bears in several places but is there any other post or book where you have got as much information as you got from this post? I guess your answer would be no because information in this post is collected from several books, magazines, journals and blogs.

There must be many animal lovers like me amongst you all who want to know various facts about several animals. To make it easy for you all I have put all my known information about Polar bear in a single post.

This Information about Polar bear will help you in many fields and increases your outer knowledge about a cute animal of this planet. This animal is one of those animals who can survive in the coldest place in this world.

The meaning of the scientific name of Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) means sea bear. This name was first used by a Commander and author named C.J. Phipps 1774. But later Thalarctos was the new name given to Polar bears which means the bears of north. By 1971 the scientific name of polar bears was again changed to Ursus maritimus and till date it remains the same. 

Funny Polar bear facts
Global warming is affecting the whole planet but the biggest victims of it are Polar bears. Due to global warming the ice in arctic is melting day by day and it is becoming dangerous for the Polar bears. Let’s take a glance to the problems created by Global warming for Polar bears:

  • Drop in body condition
  • Increase in cannibalism
  • Declining population size
  • Reduced access to food
  • Lower cub survival rates
  • Loss of access to denning areas
  • Increase in drowning

These seven are the major affects caused by global warming in polar bears life but excluding these seven there are many minor affects also. Though, those minor effects are negligible but, not these above mentioned seven.

We have a very few polar bears in our planet and with the passage of time the number is decreasing. Polar bears are one of the endangered species in the world. And like any other endangered species of our planet we should look after the protection of polar bears also.

I hope all the information I have provided you through this post will help you in knowing all the hidden facts about a cute animal named Polar bear. In world there were nineteen subspecies of bear but out of those nineteen eight has declined.

Let’s have a look in the types of bears:

American Black Bear
Panda bear
Brown bear
Asiatic Black Bear
Spectacled Bear
Giant Panda
Ursid hybrid
Sun bear
Polar bear

Polar bears are sometimes called as marine mammal also. The reason behind this name of polar bear is its habit to live in water for most of the months in a year. It’s very sad for all of us that these polar bear has been declared a vulnerable species by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

We should try to take off this animal from the list of vulnerable species not for us but for our upcoming generation and their upcoming generations. I just hope that all of you out there will try to contribute in saving all the vulnerable and endangered species in the world. Hurry up guys and do your part. I hope, please create awareness about Cute and Funny polar bear facts

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