Sunday, June 8, 2014

Caspian Tiger and Javan tiger facts

Caspian Tiger and Javan tiger facts and information are given below. Tigers are one of the majorly endangered species of animal in this world.  There are many steps and precautions taken to preserve this big cat for our upcoming generations. Project Tiger of India is one of the most power pact projects launched to safe tigers.

Caspian Tiger facts

Caspian Tiger, other name is Hycanian tiger and extinct species that had been seen in wild life in 1970s.It is found in forest habitats of Iran, turkey and riverine corridors and china.
Caspian Tiger photo

It is often found with Bengal tiger and Siberian tiger
Javan Tiger Facts

Javan tiger is extinct species that found in Indonesian island in 1970s.  It was limited to islands only. They are small tigers but larger than Bali tigers. Tigers nose was long, narrow and carnassials. The diameters of Javan Tiger tracks are larger than tracks, of Bengal tiger in Bangladesh, Nepal and India.

Javan tiger photo

Must see- Tiger facts| information| Habitat

This project was launched in 1973 by the then honourable Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In almost every state of India there is at least one Tiger Reserves, let’s check out the Caspian Tiger and Javan tiger facts-

Sunderbans (West Bengal)                         
Pench (Maharashtra)
Manas (Assam)
Bandhavgarh (Madhya Pradesh)
Melghat (Maharashtra)
Sahyadri (Maharashtra)
Kanha (Madhya Pradesh)
Kaziranga (Assam)
Tadoba-Andhari (Maharashtra)
Buxa (West Bengal)
Nameri (Assam)
Dudhwa (Uttar Pradesh)
Nagarhole (Karnataka)
Nagarjunasagar (Andhra Pradesh)
Satpura (Madhya Pradesh)
Dandeli-Anshi (Karnataka)
Corbett (Uttarakhand)
Namdapha (Arunachal Pradesh)
Sanjay-Dubri (Madhya Pradesh)
Bhadra (Karnataka)
Anamalai (Tamil Nadu)
Pakke (Arunachal Pradesh)
Pench (Madhya Pradesh)
Bandipur (Karnataka)
Mudumalai (Tamil Nadu)
Valmiki (Bihar)
Dampa (Mizoram)
Parambikulam (Kerala)
Kalakad-Mundanthurai (Tamil Nadu)
Indravati (Chhattisgarh)
Satkosia (Orissa)
Periyar (Kerala)
Kalakad-Mundanthurai (Tamil Nadu)
Undanti-Sitandadi (Chhattisgarh)
Simlipal (Orissa)
Palamau (Jharkhand)
Sariska (Rajasthan)
Achanakmar (Chhattisgarh)
Ranthambhore (Rajasthan)
Gir (Gujrat)

There are total 53 Tiger reserves in India as per Project Tiger but amongst all those 53 these 40 are the most popular and has get best feedbacks from visitors. This was all about the reserves and projects those are made to protect tigers for our upcoming generation. Now, let’s head towards some really amazing facts about tigers and here we go:

To start with vision let me tell you guys that night vision of a tiger is six times better than that of the humans.

Almost all the species of tigers have yellow eyes but white tigers are the only species that have blue eyes.

Urine of tigers smells like strongly buttered popcorns. Tigers use their urine to make their territories.

A tiger can identify age, gender as well as reproductive condition of another tiger.

The male tigers have larger territories than of female tigers.

Tigers roar to communicate with other tigers not to make other animals afraid. Tigers usually do not roar while hunting as they fear of losing their prey.

Stripes in the body of the tigers differ from one to another.

Tigers first give chance to females and cubs to eat the prey and waits for their chance. But Lions are just the opposite who fights with their family for food.

Tigers are skilful swimmers unlike all other species of big cats. In a day a tiger can swim around 30 KM.

The smallest Sumatran tiger grows around 2 m and weighs only 100kg whereas the largest Siberian tigers grows approx 3.5 m and weighs around 300kg.

After the first week of their birth tigers are completely blind. And very few survive till their adulthood.

Tiger’s penis has a bone called baculum, covered with barbs and it helps the tiger in maintaining contact during mating. This bone is helpful for tigers during mating because tiger’s penis didn’t become erect when arouse. 

Tigers usually don’t attack humans but they do it if they got threatened by humans.
Tigers can run with a speed of 60km/hr.

Tigers have potential to fast for several days as only 1 out of 10 hunts are successful.

The saliva of the Tigers is antiseptic in nature and therefore they lick their wounds to cure it.

Tigers have life span of about 25 years.

The brain of the tiger weighs around 300grm.

Tigers have colour vision similar to human beings.

A group of tiger is known as a streak and an ambush.

Despite of Tigers, tigers can mate with other big cats like lions.  

Also check- Lion Facts and information

These were some unknown and amazing facts about tigers. I guess none of you have got so many hidden facts about tigers. I have just tried to put all the facts those are known to me in a single post. This post will encourage people out there to make their mind to save tigers. We can’t do it all alone and that’s why we should be a part of some tiger project or the other.  

I have collected all these 21 facts about tigers from several magazines and blogs. My aim to put all these facts in a single post is to encourage more and more people to know about it. As we all know that the numbers of tigers are decreasing day by day and it’s our duty to assure that this number should not decrease any more.

Many preventive steps have been taken to save the remaining tigers and it has worked well as per a recent report. According to the repost it is found that the number of tigers in world has started increasing already. 3 subspecies of tiger has declared extinct and with that there are only 6 subspecies are remaining.

China has declared poaching tiger’s illegal long years back. The punishment for this offence in china is death sentence. Tiger’s were used for manufacture of medicines in China. And I am glad to know that poaching tiger’s has been stopped in China. But on the other hand I am upset also as still in some areas of Southeast Asia tigers are poached.

People out there in Cambodia and Laos are still using tigers to prepare traditional medicines. I just want to ask those people when would you stop doing so? I guess you will continue this practice till the end of all the species of tigers.

Each and every country of world is trying to save tigers by hook or crook but few people are still hunting tiger’s for their own use. It’s my humble request to all of you please don’t appreciate such practice and become a part to save tigers. I hope Caspian Tiger and Javan tiger facts and information would be helpful for you.

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