Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cheetah Facts and Information

Cheetah, when this name comes everyone of us knows that it is the fastest animal existing in earth. This animal is unbeatable than any other land animal of this world. Cheetah can run with a speed of 112- 120 km/hr. If you go for the secret behind the name of this cat you will get to know that this name Cheetah is derived from a Sanskrit word which means "variegated ".
The body structure of cheetah is the main identifying feature of cheetah. The face of this cat is small including its narrow chest and waist. The black spots on cheetah’s body also help you out in identifying the cat whereas there is no black spot under the body of this cat. The weight of Cheetah differs from one sex to another like all other animals in earth. But overall they weigh between 21 kg – 71 kg. The body length of Cheetah is 43 to 59 inch (110 to 150 cm), excluding its tail. And the tails of Cheetah can length 24 to 33 inch (60 to 84 cm). And when it’s about the height of the Cheetah you will find that it is 26 to 37 inch (66 to 94 cm) tall at shoulder. 

Basic Information about Cheetah:

3.5 ft to 5 ft
21 kg to 71 kg
112 to 120 km/hr
South West Asia and Africa
Life Span
15 to 25 years
When you compare a leopard and cheetah you will hardly find any difference between them but Cheetah’s have comparatively shorter body than Leopard. There is a type of Cheetah called King Cheetah which is a sub species of Cheetah among the 6 sub species of Cheetah. What’s different in a Cheetah and a King Cheetah? Well, King Cheetah has blotchy, larger and merged spots. Not only this, the fur pattern of this cat is also different than other Cheetahs.

King Cheetah
King Cheetah
The most amazing fact about a Cheetah is that it increases its nostrils while running. When you run you must have noticed that you face problem in breathing that is lack of oxygen. To avoid lack of oxygen cheetah increase its nostrils so as to intake more oxygen and to run faster.
King Cheetah was first noticed in Zimbabwe in 1926 and in 1927 this different looking Cheetah was declared as a different species by a naturalist named, Reginald Innes Pocock. This species of cat is found in southwestern Asia and Africa mostly but in Iran also there is a small number of these Cheetahs are found that is around 50 in number.

cheetah couple

The male cheetah’s can mate until the age of three years as they got matured at the age of twelve months and a female cheetah got matured between the age of 20 – 24 months. The process of mating goes on throughout the year. After a time period of 90 – 98 days of mating female cheetah give birth to 9 cubs. These cubs weigh 5.3 to 10.6 oz (150 to 300 g) at the time of their birth. These cubs’ looks almost like kittens but their color makes the difference between both the species. 

Amazing Facts about Cheetah:
Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the planet which can reach up to 115 km/hr.

Running Cheetah
Fastest Land Animal
Cheetah is the only big felid which cannot roar like Lion, Tiger and Leopard.

Cheetah with amazing eyesight can spot prey from 3 to 5 km away.

Unlike other big cats, cheetah hunts only in day time.

Gestation period for cheetah is 90 to 95 days.

Cheetah has the poor night vision that’s why they only hunt in day time.

Cheetah cannot defend his prey against stronger animals like lion, hyena, leopard and wild dogs.

Also read: Tiger Facts & Information and Wild Dogs Facts & Information

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