Saturday, August 23, 2014

Anteater vs Aardvark fight- who going to win?

Both Anteater vs Aardvark are similar species. So, I am going to compare Anteater vs Aardvark fight. After going through the article, you can know comparison and difference between both species.

Anteater facts

Anteater scientifically known as Vermilingua is commonly known for eating ants and termites. Anteaters are found throughout the southern hemisphere and are mainly found in Africa, Asia, and some parts of Australia.

An average anteater is nearly a meter in length although some species can be bigger such as giant anteater while some may be smaller such as silky anteater. There are different species of anteater, they are: Giant Anteater; Collared Anteater; Silky Anteater; Spiny Anteater and Echidna.

Anteaters are long-tailed animals with elongated skulls and tubular snouts. The mouth opening of the snout is small, but the salivary gland is large and secretes saliva onto its tongue. Its wormlike tongue can be as long as 60cm in the giant anteater. They capture their prey by inserting their tongue into the insect nests.

Though they have a soft appearance, but they always remain ready to defend themselves against predators and even become aggressive towards them. They use their powerful claws and legs to warn off larger animals and defend themselves. 

Anteater gestation period is of 6 months and female ones give birth to one baby after their gestation period. The young ones spend couple of years with their mother and after the female anteater becomes pregnant again, they become independent.

Anteaters are now days considered to be vulnerable animals as their population is declining due to their habitat loss.

Aardvark facts

Aardvark which is scientifically known as Orycteropus afer is a medium sized, nocturnal mammal which is native to Africa. They spend the hot afternoon underground which they dig with their powerful feet and claws that resembles small spade.

Its long snout gives a glimpse of the pig. They may travel several miles in search of large earthen termites. An aardvark can close its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout. Its thick skin protects it from bites. Female aardvark also gives birth to one newborn every year. 

An aardvark has a pig like appearance and its body is stout and is covered with coarse hairs. The aardvark are quite animals and makes a typical kind of sound if frightened.  They weigh between 60 to 80 kilograms.

It is believed that some tribal people use the teeth of aardvark to make bracelets that are regarded as good luck charms. Aardvark meat has a resemblance of pork and is enjoyed by many. Now days, the number of aardvark is declining. They are not generally seen may because of their secretive habits.

Aardvark tongue is about 12-18” long, narrow, flat, and worm shaped whereas, anteater’s tongue can reach 24 in length. Anteater tongue is very important as it extracts insects from the mounds. Anteaters don’t have teeth whereas, aardvark has teeth.  Aardvark has powerful claws, Front claws are used for digging and the back ones are for pushing dirt away. 

Whereas, the claws of an anteater are very powerful and are designed to rip open ant and termite hills. Their claws are very powerful; they can tear the skin of predators into pieces as well as of humans and biggest predators like puma, jaguars, etc.  

Compare Anteater vs Aardvark

The comparison, difference and fight between Anteater vs Aardvark is very interesting. So, I am going to compare Anteater vs Aardvark. 

Anteater vs Aardvark

The detail comparison is given below-

Wild animals
Cyclopedidae, Mrymecophagidae
Average Length
1-1.3 metre
1-1.13 metre
Tail Length
2 feet
2 feet
 40-65 kilogram
 33-41 kilogram
South and central america
Nocturnal animals
Lives below ground
Live above the ground
cylindrical shaped teeth
Average Life Span
25 years
25 years

Who will win the fight- After comparing both Aardvark vs Anteater?, I conclude following results-

In a fight between these two species, the aardvark would win because of its strong built in comparison to a small anteater. But if the anteater is a giant anteater, then aardvark would lose a fight between the two because in that case, giant anteater is stronger than aardvark.

Aardvark is a quite animal whereas; an anteater is aggressive towards its predators when it comes to defend them. Both of them have some advantages in them which may enable either of them to win a fight. I hope you like reading “Aardvark vs Anteater fight”.

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