Monday, June 23, 2014

Spotted, spripped and laughing hyena facts

Laughing, spipped and spotted hyena facts are given below. The hyenas being considered as one of the most dangerous animals is someone who can dare chase its own predator from its own prey. Is there any thing special about hyenas that mane them strong or act the way they do. Hyenas belong to their own family Hyaenidae. The hyenas are petnamed as the “scourge of the Serengeti,” These are the “cleanup crew!”

While people call it one of the greatest animals, the strange striped hyenas have broad heads with dark eyes which have the power to scare the hell out of a lion and the rest of the biggies while gorging on on their meal. The thick muzzles and large pointed ears and throat are entirely black, with a tinge of golden yellow, brown, or grey on their fur with black stripes on the body and legs. 

These can camouflage very well in tall, dry golden grass. The most striking feature of the hyenas are their legs: the front legs tend to be longer than the hind legs. Yet these are agile and can run, trot, and walk with ease (but not like Rihanna though!) The mane of the hyena is raised giving it a mean look when they feel they are in danger. These wag to communicate their feelings to others.

Hyena laughing

While hyenas have special modified ears, they hear sounds that human ears are not able to comprehend. Every hyena has its own feeding ground marked by their own unique scent. They have rather a large head and quite strong jaws. They use their larger teeth to crush bones. 

Check here- Hyena Facts and information

Depending on the conditions, they feed on anything ranging from dry bones, teeth, horns, and hooves and any other body parts that other predators find not suitable for their weak stomach or due to the availability of fresh food. It does not matter if they can digest it or not, but they are going to complete whatever they just hunt down. 

When a hyena is afraid or finds itself in danger by rival hyenas, the hyena lets out a growl with the same force and intensity as a hungry or a teased lion would do amounting to a wild roar ended by a gradually snapping lunge.

With no norm to reckon which kind of hyena is more dangerous or aggressive than the other species, we get to know that on an average, the striped hyena is not deemed to be the aggressive types rather they avoid contact with other animals. These may not be around you, watching you but can smell your presence around them. 

They don’t need to walk out of their places and welcome you; your smell is enough for them to trace you. Reported as the murderers of humans, the hyenas are considered as ruinous and perilous, and are poisoned to death due to their façade. It’s a common delusionthat hyenas’ body parts possess medicinal values and are so killed. 

spotted Hyena
 Numerous once the population, the count has shaken drastically and gradually decreasing. Also called the laughing hyena, this interesting carnivore is endemic to Africa, mostly the Sahara Desert, living in savannas, semiarid regions, scrublands. With its gigantic size and strong hunting incentives, the hyenas are considered as the most capable hunters or predators to be modest in the world. Female spotted hyenas are a bit larger than the males. 

With a nose that never stops sniffing, these are always alert for danger—or for a meal!
A little of this, a little of that: With a large head and a long, thick, muscular neck and powerful jaws, the spotted hyenas can get hold of any animal. 

Their front legs are longer than its back legs, depicting a hunched look, and has four toes in a paw with no retractable claws. The short, coarse fur has a yellow or grey tint and is covered in spots. These spots have a darker print on the young furs. The spotted hyena has a short mane that stands upright, making the hyena appear larger and more dangerous posing a threat to rivals. 

Its only predators are lions and humans. The spotted hyena is the most more –of-a-people’s-person among the hyena family and lives in a large group called a clan. A clan of spotted hyenas can consist of 50 to 100 spotted hyenas.

Spotted hyenas are known for their very distinctive vocalizations. The most famous chatter they produce actually sounds like a human laughing hysterically. This is where name is originated as “laughing hyenas”. This “laugh” is used during times of adrenaline rush or submission to the dominant of another hyena. 

The "whoop" is another vocalization of hyenas, it’s a call that can be heard from far away and is used to locate the dispersed cubs, claim unclaimed territories, or get the clan together for a meeting or a fight. Groans and squeals are used to greeting vocalizations. Other sounds include growling, grunting, and yelling.

Various spotted hyenas feed on every body part of their prey, be it the hair or the eyes, which they may not be able to digest. They regurgitate what they can’t digest in the form of a pellet. 

Usually, the timing, or what time of the day is it, decides what the spotted hyenas are going to feed on. Most people have a common conjecture that hyenas are scavengers. Spotted hyenas do scavenge during the day, but they have to give a tough enough competition to jackals and vultures for the leftovers. 

Dark is the show time. It is the time when hyenas put their hunting skills on display. Capable of chasing down their prey over long distances with a speed of 37 miles per hour, spotted hyenas often pick out the young from the herd. 

Hunting depends on numbers: the bigger the clan, the larger the prey, from young rhinos, zebras and adult wildebeest, to Cape buffalo. The hyenas work in an neat buisnesslike pack when hunting such large prey. Smaller packs are used to chase down eland, impales, gazelles, warthogs, and water bucks. Hyenas do not hunt humans, yet humans have been caught shooting hyenas at the sight just because of the fact that "hyenas are hyenas"!

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