Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bengal Tiger images and facts

Bengal Tiger is the national animal of India and Bangladesh. Bengal tiger found in countries of southeast Asia. Most of the Bengal tiger population found in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka.

Learn more about Bengal tigers with pictures. As you know picture tell a thousand words. Here are the some images of Bengal tigers with facts and information's.

Bengal tiger king of the jungle - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr

Bengal tiger are an orange and yellow body with black stripes. Do you know these stripes are very unique for each tiger like human fingerprints.
Unlike Lions, Bengal Tigers are territorial animal. They usually solitary in nature. They connect socially through visual signals, scent markings and vocalizations.

Bengal tiger fearless yellow eyes -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr

Bengal tigers have yellow eyes. Tigers night vision is better than human. Bengal tigers has color vision like human. Bengal Tigers have forward facing eyes that produce vision similar to binocular.

Bengal tiger swimming -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
By default, Bengal tigers are powerful swimmers. They can easily swim 25 to 30 km in a day. sometimes Bengal tigers catch fish inside the river.

Bengal tiger getting into the water -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Bengal tigers are not afraid or shy of water. They love to get inside the water and play for long time.
Bengal tigers usually enter water in search of prey.

Bengal Tiger playing in water -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Male Bengal tigers have territories that ranges up to 150 square kilometers.
Female Bengal tiger territories are smaller than male tiger and they may overlap with male territories.
A picture showing Bengal tiger drinking lake water -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Bengal tigers are more active at night than during day time.
Bengal tigers have bristle on their tongue, they use rasping tongue to groom their body. This will help to remove loose hairs and dirt from the fur.

Bengal Tiger peeing -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr

Bengal tigers mark their territories using their urine. Tigers can identify the age and gender of other tigers by smelling the urine. Some experts tells that Bengal tiger urine smell like popcorn or well-cooked basmati rice.

During estrus, the female tiger will mark her teratory more frequently with a distinctive smelling urine. This helps to attract a male tiger.

Bengal Tiger jumping in the air -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr

Bengal tiger can jump up 4 to 5 meters easily.

Bengal Tiger mating for sexual reproduction -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Female Bengal tigers reach sexual maturity somewhere around 3 to 4 years of age and while male tigers mature at about 4 to 5 years of age.
A female Bengal tiger may enter estrus every three to nine weeks, and her receptivity lasts for three to six days only.
In Bengal tigers, Several days of mating may required to stimulate ovulation and confirm the fertilization of the egg.
Bengal tigers may change their mates several times over their lifetime.

Bengal Tiger hiding inside the yellow grass -  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr

Bengal tiger is very good at ambush hunting.
Bengal tigers hides in yellow grass, their body shape and color making them difficult to detect for unsuspecting prey.
Bengal tiger can eat up to 30 to 40 Kg of meat at once.

Bengal Tiger paw print
Source: Flickr
Some animal experts use paw marks or pugmarks to identify Bengal tiger. Pugmarks are used in Tiger count survey.

Cubs playing with tigress - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Tigress can give birth to three to seven cubs. Tiger cubs are born blind and they do not have vision for first two to three weeks of birth. Newborn cubs weigh between 0.75 Kg to 1.6 Kg ie. 1.75 to 3.5 lb.

White Bengal Tiger closeup view  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
White Bengal tiger is the most good looking tiger.

White Bengal Tiger inside the lake  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Bengal tigers hide inside the lake to hunt the prey.

Most aggressive fearless Bengal tiger picture  - Wallpaper quality
Source: Flickr
Bengal tigers may live up to 20 to 25 years. Humans are the number one threat to Bengal tigers.

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